New Year's Resolutions for your Business


New Year's is a time for reflection and revision, as we take stock of our accomplishments and failures and make plans for positive change in the year ahead. For those in business, it's just as important to apply this process to our professional lives. Here are eight surefire ways to improve your productivity and work life in the coming year.

Learn to (really) listen: Paying attention to customers and employees at a superficial level might keep your business afloat, but it won't contribute to its longevity. This year, prioritize deep listening as part of your personal and professional mission. Your staff will be happier, and your customers will be more loyal in the long-run.

Perfect your online presence: These days there are an overwhelming number of opportunities for businesses to connect with customers and promote goods and services online. But that doesn't mean that taking advantage of all of them is a great idea. Examine how your company is using social media and online tools and whether the money and effort you are putting into maintaining them is worth what you are getting in return.

Happy New YearBreathe: The ancient practices of mindfulness and meditation have gained major popularity among business and management gurus, and not without reason. Aside from their many, well-documented health benefits, these practices can make you a more effective and insightful leader, employee or business owner, and can have positive implications for your personal life, too. Find a simple practice that works for you, and implement it for just five minutes a day to see real results.

Stay focused: Even if you don't plan to overhaul your company's vision this year, make it a point to revisit your professional mission and reflect on whether day-to-day operations are in line with your company's greater objectives. Make sure your employees are familiar with the company's mission and goals, and consider sharing them with customers as well.

Go paperless: Although there may be good reasons to continue using paper in some areas of your business, there are probably others where it's time to let go. There is simply no good reason to lug around a day timer anymore. Make your professional life easier by taking advantage of slick online productivity tools like calendars and to do lists - and leave the Stone Ages behind.

Learn something new: This year, make a commitment to expand your intellectual horizons by taking an online class, joining a professional book group, or designing an individual course of study on subject you don't "need" to learn. Even if your pursuit is strictly personal, expanding your knowledge base and exploring new ideas can have positive implications for any business owner - and might even inspire your next best idea.

Say thank you: It's been shown that expressing gratitude benefits the giver just as much as the receiver, and it's no different in the professional world. When they truly feel appreciated, employees who are more likely to work hard and accept the difficult aspects of their positions; and customers are more likely to keep coming back. Take time to say thank you to valued customers, co-workers and employees, and your business is sure to see the benefits.

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