Cruise Control to Sensory Underload


By now, we should need little convincing that sensory overload while driving can lead to unsafe decisions on the road and sometimes accidents. But what about sensory underload?

Texting or talking on the phone while behind the wheel, carrying on animated conversations with passengers, watching a video or dealing with the squirming dog in your lap are all distractions that take attention away from the road and traffic. At the other end of the spectrum, cruise control, an installed option on most vehicles now, removes one item you would otherwise need to pay attention to. There is no doubt that cruise control can help us stay within the speed limit, but there is a downside to setting the cruise.

cruise controlA recent French study showed that drivers using cruise control had slowed reaction time and were affected by drowsiness. The study split participants up in age groups, and perhaps surprisingly, younger drivers - ages 18 to 30 - were most affected.

Long trips on straight interstate highways can be monotonous, and setting the cruise control is an option that can add to that monotony. To be safe, you should turn cruise control off from time-to-time, especially driving at night, after many hours on the road, or in any other situation where drowsiness might be heightened. This advice would seem to be doubly important for younger drivers.

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